dear off pei me cause monday i jiu start school le. At night went to Ocean city restaurant to try our wedding dishes and give deposit all that. Rch home abt 11plus - 12am.
Woke up in he morning 7am & get prepared to school. First day of school so meeting hong ji with me. But in the end nt same class with her. So boring can in class. Playing many stupid games noh. Hong ji half way run away. If she told me earlier i also will run off with her. lol really damm bo liao sia -.-"
Today wake up in the morning again. Than bussed to bishan ite. I 7.30am went to take bus but still late for school. I rched school abt 9am. lol cause of raining too. Again today whole day playing bo liao games. Actually meeting shi min at AMK hub and tgt go secondary school to take my report bk. But in the end dear say he take half day off so nv meet her le. Cabbed to sim lim square meet dear for lunch. Nw at dear working here using the com. Still dnt knw dear can off mah -.-" If he nv of i need to wait for him till 8.30 he after work. Nw only 3plus nohs & i 1 plus jiu rch his working place le. OMG better let him off pls. Orelse i sure waiting till ki siao man!! So sian tml starting school for studying le. Orentation only 2 days nahs. Boring~ And i miss my baby kerryn (: